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You need to be the best of both worlds

Heather Mistretta

Marketing your business can be baffling. It can feel like administering a Rorschach test at times as you try to determine what it is your audience wants to see. The key is to focus on your priorities and stick to them.

But concentrating on only making your website pretty is like wearing a beautiful Norma Kamali bathing suit in 20-degree weather. It doesn’t work!

Your website is your main marketing tool, the figurative window into your business, so it needs to be a well-rounded representation of you and your business…and not just surface-deep.

Well-written, persuasive and keyword-rich copy that respects its audience and remains consistent with the company’s branding and voice is what gets you noticed and sets you apart from the competition. Good design will definitely enhance this, but technology without technique does not make for a good recipe. That is why your website needs to reflect you from the inside out.

Jonathan Lister from LinkedIn urges people to create “remarkable content in the form that educates, informs, inspires and entertains.”

Clear, concise and compelling. Approach your content writing using these three adjectives and you will likely succeed in engaging your audience. Just make sure you don’t fall into the trap of trying to appeal to the masses. Each reader wants to know he or she is the one person to whom you are directing your message. A Nineteen-Eighty-Four-ish, appealing-to-the-masses approach winds up feeling sterile and ordinary, absent of the emotion you were hoping to evoke (stay tuned for my next blog where I use a little Orwell wisdom).

And if you’re still having doubts that beautiful design only shines with good written content, just remember…content is what is going to drive your audience to your website in the first place. Potential clients aren’t searching beautiful websites; they are searching keywords.

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